Phantom Fuse Mac OS

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Vision Research's Phantom cameras have almost no competition in the ultra high-speed digital cinema realm. And their newest line of cameras — the Miro M-Series — continue that dominance.

Connect the Phantom camera to the control PC via the ethernet connection; Power on the camera and wait for the camera to completely boot. Power on the control PC and wait for Window's to completely boot. Install the CineFlash device into the camera. Arturia's Next-gen Interface Just Got Better. The Arturia AudioFuse Rev2 is an exciting update of Arturia's next-gen audio interface. Designed to optimize your workflow, the Arturia AudioFuse Rev2 is built on a meticulously designed, symmetrical audio chain.

Unfortunately, shooting Phantom means dealing with a clunky workflow. Specifically, a PC-based workflow because Vision Research doesn't provide Phantom support to Macs. That's not a problem for some, but it can be for those used to pushing their footage through a Mac pipeline.

So you have two options if you want to use a Miro with a Mac: either pay for some plugins or use this free method I'm going to show you today. If you want to pay, stop reading and go here.

But if you think free sounds pretty nice, keep on reading and I'll show you how to read, write, transfer, and re-format the CineFlash hard drives used with the Miro on your Max OS X system.

Problems with Phantom Miro Workflow and OS X

Before we get into the nitty gritty of file systems and command lines, it's important to take a look at the production workflow of the Phantom Miro.

The Miro shoots exclusively to a proprietary SSD created by Vision Research called the CineFlash. It's available in sizes of 60 GB, 120 GB and 240 GB. Though it sits inside the camera body, it is removable and works a lot like a memory card.

The way the camera is able to shoot such high-speed footage is by saving recorded clips — called Cine's — to its internal RAM first before transferring the Cine's to the CineFlash. When triggered to record again, the internal RAM of the Miro is wiped while saved Cine's rest safely on the CineFlash.

To get your Cine files started in the post-production workflow, you have to get them from the CineFlash onto a computer.

In a PC environment, this is fairly simple. You can connect the camera directly over ethernet to transfer, review, and delete Cine files using included Phantom software. You also have the option of using the CineFlash dock — a standalone dock with eSata out.

With a Mac, you're limited to the dock — Phantom doesn't make software for OS X.

Ntfs for mac

Should be simple then, right? Just plug in the CineFlash dock and open Finder…

Clunky cube! mac os. Well, it'd be nice if it were that simple, but the CineFlash is formatted in a Linux standard EXT2 file system which is not natively supported by OS X. (To be fair, it's not natively supported by Windows either, but adding support is easier.)

So the trick is to get your Mac to recognize EXT2 drives and thus work with the CineFlash.

It's fairly straightforward, but it does involve installing some freeware and messing with system files via command-line code. Don't worry though — I'm going to provide step-by-step instructions and nothing you'll be doing is destructive to your system.

Let's begin…

Installing the Right Software to Access the CineFlash

When Googling for solutions to mount EXT2 formatted drives on OS X, I found this article that has you install two things: OSXFUSE and a compatible plugin for it. Both are free, safe, and work with multiple versions of OS X from Snow Leopard (10.6) to Lion (10.7) and Mountain Lion (10.8).

Go ahead and install them on your computer.

Once installed, you can plug in the dock and the CineFlash will show up in Finder. You'll be able to read the drive and copy files, but you won't be able to write to it.

To enable write access, follow these instructions below:

  1. Open Finder
  2. Go to Macintosh HD > System > Library > Filesystems
  3. Right click on 'fuse-ext2.fs' and select 'Show Package Contents'
  4. In the new window, right click on 'fuse-ext2.util' and choose 'Get Info'
  5. At the bottom under 'Sharing & Permissions,' make all the privilege's Read & Write
  6. Now open the 'Terminal' app found in Applications > Utilities
  7. Type 'vi /system/library/filesystems/fuse-ext2.fs/fuse-ext2.util'
  8. Type '207G' — Note: capitalization matters here!
  9. Change OPTIONS='auto_xattr,defer_permissions' into OPTIONS='auto_xattr,defer_permissions,rw+' by navigating your cursor with the arrow keys and typing.
  10. Once done, press the escape key
  11. Type ':wq!' and press enter

If you already have the drive mounted when you do this, you'll have to eject it and remount. I also recommend you restart your computer. You should now be able to read and write to the CineFlash.

Now, we're almost done…

I just want to warn you of an issue that cropped up for me — deleting files off the CineFlash.

Reformatting CineFlash Drives on OS X

Phantom Fuse Mac Os X

Having never worked with a Phantom before, I'm used to formatting hard drives within cameras. The camera reformats the media and ensures the correct filesystem is in place. Sometimes they're picky — if you reformat a drive or card outside of the camera, it may not be compatible.

As far as I know, there is no way to reformat a CineFlash on the Miro. And I found no information about reformatting a CineFlash to shoot with the Miro except what filesystem it uses.

This wasn't an issue until I noticed CineFlash files placed in my Mac's trash weren't being deleted.

When I went to continue shooting, the Miro told me the CineFlash was full even though Finder showed no files after emptying the trash. I plugged the dock into a Windows 7 PC and, again, nothing was there. I tried enabling hidden files on both systems and I still found nothing.

But despite the non-existence of these files, both computers and the camera reported the disk as full.

Eventually, Disk Utility revealed there were 17 files… somewhere. With a full disk and no way to delete the files that were (but weren't) there, I had no choice but to reformat the CineFlash.

I was terrified. I was worried reformatting would make the drive irreversibly incompatible.

I held my breath, hit the button and…. it worked!

Fuse for os x

Should be simple then, right? Just plug in the CineFlash dock and open Finder…

Clunky cube! mac os. Well, it'd be nice if it were that simple, but the CineFlash is formatted in a Linux standard EXT2 file system which is not natively supported by OS X. (To be fair, it's not natively supported by Windows either, but adding support is easier.)

So the trick is to get your Mac to recognize EXT2 drives and thus work with the CineFlash.

It's fairly straightforward, but it does involve installing some freeware and messing with system files via command-line code. Don't worry though — I'm going to provide step-by-step instructions and nothing you'll be doing is destructive to your system.

Let's begin…

Installing the Right Software to Access the CineFlash

When Googling for solutions to mount EXT2 formatted drives on OS X, I found this article that has you install two things: OSXFUSE and a compatible plugin for it. Both are free, safe, and work with multiple versions of OS X from Snow Leopard (10.6) to Lion (10.7) and Mountain Lion (10.8).

Go ahead and install them on your computer.

Once installed, you can plug in the dock and the CineFlash will show up in Finder. You'll be able to read the drive and copy files, but you won't be able to write to it.

To enable write access, follow these instructions below:

  1. Open Finder
  2. Go to Macintosh HD > System > Library > Filesystems
  3. Right click on 'fuse-ext2.fs' and select 'Show Package Contents'
  4. In the new window, right click on 'fuse-ext2.util' and choose 'Get Info'
  5. At the bottom under 'Sharing & Permissions,' make all the privilege's Read & Write
  6. Now open the 'Terminal' app found in Applications > Utilities
  7. Type 'vi /system/library/filesystems/fuse-ext2.fs/fuse-ext2.util'
  8. Type '207G' — Note: capitalization matters here!
  9. Change OPTIONS='auto_xattr,defer_permissions' into OPTIONS='auto_xattr,defer_permissions,rw+' by navigating your cursor with the arrow keys and typing.
  10. Once done, press the escape key
  11. Type ':wq!' and press enter

If you already have the drive mounted when you do this, you'll have to eject it and remount. I also recommend you restart your computer. You should now be able to read and write to the CineFlash.

Now, we're almost done…

I just want to warn you of an issue that cropped up for me — deleting files off the CineFlash.

Reformatting CineFlash Drives on OS X

Phantom Fuse Mac Os X

Having never worked with a Phantom before, I'm used to formatting hard drives within cameras. The camera reformats the media and ensures the correct filesystem is in place. Sometimes they're picky — if you reformat a drive or card outside of the camera, it may not be compatible.

As far as I know, there is no way to reformat a CineFlash on the Miro. And I found no information about reformatting a CineFlash to shoot with the Miro except what filesystem it uses.

This wasn't an issue until I noticed CineFlash files placed in my Mac's trash weren't being deleted.

When I went to continue shooting, the Miro told me the CineFlash was full even though Finder showed no files after emptying the trash. I plugged the dock into a Windows 7 PC and, again, nothing was there. I tried enabling hidden files on both systems and I still found nothing.

But despite the non-existence of these files, both computers and the camera reported the disk as full.

Eventually, Disk Utility revealed there were 17 files… somewhere. With a full disk and no way to delete the files that were (but weren't) there, I had no choice but to reformat the CineFlash.

I was terrified. I was worried reformatting would make the drive irreversibly incompatible.

I held my breath, hit the button and…. it worked!

So, here's how to do it…

  1. Open 'Disk Utility' from your Applications > Utilities folder
  2. On the left sidebar, highlight the CineFlash disk
  3. On the top, choose the 'Erase' tab
  4. Select 'fuse-ext2' under Format and input your desired name for the drive
  5. Click 'Erase…'

This will safely re-format the drive with the Ext2 filesystem compatible with the Phantom Miro. It's also more reliable for erasing files than dragging them into the Trash.

Shooting Phantom to Edit on Mac

Once you have set up your Mac to be compatible with EXT2 drives, you'll be able to read, write, and reformat CineFlash drives on several versions of OS X from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion.

But what if you're a bit uncomfortable taking the steps I outlined above? You can still buy this plugin from Paragon for $40 that enables the same capabilities.

Also, if you're working with a stock Mac, you won't have an eSata port to connect to the CineFlash dock. In that case, purchase either an eSata to USB 3.0 cable or eSata to Thunderbolt adapter.

Vision Research doesn't make it easy to shoot Phantom and edit Mac — and from what I've heard, have no plans to ease the pain — so if you want to continue the Phantom workflow on a Mac, you're going to have to shell out $800 for GlueTools' Phantom Cine toolkit.

That price is steep for some, but at least you'll be able to backup your Cine files while you scrounge up the money it takes to edit your Phantom footage on a Mac.

Singularity Project
DeveloperMicrosoft Corporation
Written inAssembly language, C, C++, C#, Sing#
OS familyLanguage-based systems
Working stateDiscontinued
Source modelSource-available (through Shared Source Initiative)
Initial release2007; 14 years ago
Final release2.0 / November 14, 2008; 12 years ago
Available inEnglish
Kernel type
Default user interfaceCommand-line interface
LicenseMicrosoft Research License

Singularity is an experimental operating system (OS) which was built by Microsoft Research between 2003 and 2010.[1] It was designed as a high dependability OS in which the kernel, device drivers, and application software were all written in managed code. Internal security uses type safety instead of hardwarememory protection.


The lowest-level x86interrupt dispatch code is written in assembly language and C. Once this code has done its job, it invokes the kernel, which runtime system and garbage collector are written in Sing# (an extended version of Spec#, itself an extension of C#) and runs in unprotected mode. The hardware abstraction layer is written in C++ and runs in protected mode. There is also some C code to handle debugging. The computer's basic input/output system (BIOS) is invoked during the 16-bit real mode bootstrap stage; once in 32-bit mode, Singularity never invokes the BIOS again, but invokes device drivers written in Sing#. During installation, Common Intermediate Language (CIL) opcodes are compiled into x86 opcodes using the Bartok compiler.

Security design[edit]

Singularity is a microkernel operating system. Unlike most historic microkernels, its components execute in the same address space (process), which contains software-isolated processes (SIPs). Each SIP has its own data and code layout, and is independent from other SIPs. These SIPs behave like normal processes, but avoid the cost of task-switches.

Protection in this system is provided by a set of rules called invariants that are verified by static program analysis. For example, in the memory-invariant states there must be no cross-references (or memory pointers) between two SIPs; communication between SIPs occurs via higher-order communication channels managed by the operating system. Invariants are checked during installation of the application. (In Singularity, installation is managed by the operating system.)

Most of the invariants rely on the use of safer memory-managed languages, such as Sing#, which have a garbage collector, allow no arbitrary pointers, and allow code to be verified to meet a given computer security policy.

Project status[edit]

Singularity 1.0 was completed in 2007. A Singularity Research Development Kit (RDK) was released under a shared source license allowing academic non-commercial use, and is available from CodePlex.[2] Version 1.1 was released in March 2007 and version 2.0 was released on November 14, 2008.

Similar projects[edit]

  • Inferno, first created in 1995, based on Plan 9 from Bell Labs. Programs are run in a virtual machine and written in Limbo instead of C# with CIL.
  • JavaOS, a legacy OS based on the same concept as Singularity.
  • JNode, an OS similar in concept to Singularity, but with Java instead of C# with CIL.
  • JX, a Java OS that, like Singularity, uses type safety instead of hardwarememory protection.
  • Phantom OS, a managed OS.
  • SharpOS, a former open source effort to write an operating system using C#.
  • MOSA, a .NET Framework compiler and operating system using C#.
  • Cosmos, an open sourcebuilding blocks toolkit for developing an OS using C#
  • TempleOS, an open source ring-0 operating system with JIT compiler.

See also[edit]

  • Language-based system, general kernel design using language-based protection instead of hardware protection.
  • Spec#, programming language derived from C# by adding Eiffel-like design by contract.
  • Sing#, programming language derived from Spec# by adding channels and low-level constructs; used to build Singularity.
  • Midori, a Microsoft-developed microkernel-based operating system mooted as a possible successor to Microsoft Windows by some members of the information technology (IT) press. Based on and related to Singularity.


  1. ^Source code history on CodePlex
  2. ^'Singularity RDK - Home'. Retrieved 2016-06-08.

External links[edit]

  • Singularity Design Motivation and an overview of the Singularity Project[permanent dead link]
  • Singularity source code on CodePlex
  • Singularity: A research OS written in C# an interview of the Channel 9 team to Jim Larus and Galen Hunt (video & thread)
  • Singularity III: Revenge of the SIP, an interview of the Channel 9 team to 3 researchers of the Singularity Project Team (video & thread).
  • Singularity IV: Return of the UI, a demo of Singularity actually running (video & thread).
  • Singularity Revisited, an interview of the Channel 9 team to 4 researchers of the Singularity Project Team (video & thread)

Phantom Fuse Mac Os 11

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